Then my nagging grandma came and gave me a lecture about why I should not have gone to Donington with my 19 year old car mad friend I met on a forum, who I talk to on MSN. Ah shut up.
Then I spent ages playing on LFS and managed to rack up 3 second places and have a great battle with someone, going round several corners side by side.Then smashing my car to pieces by pushing too hard. First time i've been on the podium for 2 months though so it's nice.
Then I plan on post whoring right here, at the LFS Forum.
Then i'm gonna go on LFS again. Probarbly try and find more secret stretchs of road in South City.
Then I plan on well going to bed really.
Yeah I have a very free day to do whatever I want. Ah the life.
I have the same problem with Fraps and thats why I can't use that. Can't find the reason why Fraps does it so it'd be the same with your problem so I can't help really.
Do you have legal rights to use the music on your station?
You say you've been preperaing for weeks.
We have made our own songs for the station, we have an interview with SamH soon.
We might be getting an interview with biggie.
We plan on commentating on the final race of the LFS GT Championship on Sunday.
The lap was crap at first then it got unbelievably good all of a sudden. I'd probarbly be 1st if I hadn't submitted my 1st go and tried a bit harder. You've got to submit your first go from now on.