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nutty boy
S2 licensed
Yeah that's very true.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I just dont understand. I've joined an oval league though... lol. I'm going to overtake and stay there! Well perhaps not, on account of no talent with GTR's or anything...

I was just reading this post of a person slagging oval races off and then I looked and thought 'Hey thats becky isn't she in the 360 series'
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Before, vas is dis number two you spechen?

So the translator was total crap tbh.

It only translated 3 big words.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I race the oval sometimes. Not frequently but sometimes.

I don't like the attitude of people on them though.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Did anyone of you take number 2 today. Nobodys mentioned it.

And i'm concerned about this, why.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Was that sarcasm.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Well I used automatic.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Yup you 2 did get it right.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
My day.

Started off with having a shower.

Then my nagging grandma came and gave me a lecture about why I should not have gone to Donington with my 19 year old car mad friend I met on a forum, who I talk to on MSN. Ah shut up.

Then I spent ages playing on LFS and managed to rack up 3 second places and have a great battle with someone, going round several corners side by side.Then smashing my car to pieces by pushing too hard. First time i've been on the podium for 2 months though so it's nice.

Then I plan on post whoring right here, at the LFS Forum.

Then i'm gonna go on LFS again. Probarbly try and find more secret stretchs of road in South City.

Then I plan on well going to bed really.

Yeah I have a very free day to do whatever I want. Ah the life.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Is it Shoutcast. And where's the link.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I've just looked through my posts. I can find it. It's in italics. It's also in red on the actual post but that doesn't show when you search posts.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Ah I acted an ass earlier in this thread really. I wish ZWR the best in all the stuff they do.

nutty boy
S2 licensed
I have the same problem with Fraps and thats why I can't use that. Can't find the reason why Fraps does it so it'd be the same with your problem so I can't help really.

nutty boy
S2 licensed
Lets try driving using our middle finger. And we aren't allowed.... Hold on.
Middle leg, I just realised.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Why exactly would typing nuttyboy in google help.

Quote from RoCkBiGdAvE :OK, can we get a clue? (if its allowed)

I've been through 350 ish posts and not found it. (unless i went past it)

It's pretty easy really.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :That movie gave me a boner.

Oh that is... just sick.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Do you have legal rights to use the music on your station?
You say you've been preperaing for weeks.
We have made our own songs for the station, we have an interview with SamH soon.
We might be getting an interview with biggie.
We plan on commentating on the final race of the LFS GT Championship on Sunday.

Do you have any of them things?
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Hold on. You posted that post 7 minutes ago.

We officially announced (we as in me, Duke and minimax) that we were doing a radio station earlier today.

This could spark some big controversy.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I hae a F+F skin for the RB4. It's the Eclipse. Clearly thats of no help though.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I felt dizzy after mine aswell.

Why would you need to use shift.

Also your 1st on the leaderboard.

The lap was crap at first then it got unbelievably good all of a sudden. I'd probarbly be 1st if I hadn't submitted my 1st go and tried a bit harder. You've got to submit your first go from now on.
Last edited by nutty boy, .
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Foreheads are harder.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
lol. That's amazing if true.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
I've just done it. Alot easier than I thought it would be.

I got 2:34:19
How fast can you drive, using your forehead.
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Just had a great idea. Don't know if it's been done before, sorry if it has.

The thread title says it really.

Drive round Blackwood in the XFG (so Demo racers can try aswell)
using your forehead.

Post SPR and time and let us all see how fast we can do it.


1. shim 1:52:32
2. Vain 1:53:56
3. nutty boy 2:34:19
Last edited by nutty boy, .
nutty boy
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :10 cars can put me in for 10 fps. My average is 15 fps

WOW That's even lower than me. And mine is real bad.